Nutricia Fortisip Compact Protein (Cool Red Fruits) - 4 x 125ml
by Nutricia
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A ready-to-drink, high energy (300kcal), high protein (18g) and low volume (125ml) oral nutrtiional supplement
Product Highlights:
- High protein in the smallest volume
- Smaller volume for compliance
- Gluten Free
- Lactose Free
- High Protein - 18g
- High Energy - 300ckal
- Suitable for individual with increased energy and protein needs (e.g. cancer treatment) and on fluid restriction diet (e.g liver diseases, renal diseases). Helps provide patients who are hypersensitive to smells and odors. Always consult your Doctor or Dietician before you decide to use this product.
- Country of Origin: Netherlands
- Price listed is for 1 pack of 4x125ml
- Cool Red Fruits Flavoured
Storage Info:
- Store in a cool, dry place
- Once opened, store in the refrigerator
- Discard unused content after 24 hours
Always consult your Doctor or Dietician before you decide to use this product.